n - need
n00b - new, unskilled player
n00bs - multiple new, unskilled players
n00bz - multiple new, unskilled players
nax - naxxramas
naxx - Naxxramas
naxx25 - Naxxramas Heroic (25-man)
ne - Night Elf
ne1 - anyone
nelf - night elf
nerf - to make weaker
nerfed - made weaker
newb - A new player
nh - night hold
ninja - player that steals loot
nm - never mind
nmjc - nothing much just chilling
noob - new, unskilled player
noobid - poorly skilled druid
noobie - novice
noobs - multiple new, unskilled players
noobsauce - new player
noobz - multiple new, unskilled players
norp-elf - Blood elf
np - no problem
npc - non player character
nr - nature resist
nsb - north side base
nub - Unskilled player
nubcaik - unskilled player
nubcake - unskilled player
nuke - deal damage while ignoring threat and aggro
nvm - never mind
nvrmnd - Never mind
nx - The Nexus
nyi - not yet implemented