List of Bad Words - World of Warcraft Slang
World of Warcraft Slang Dictionary

List of Bad Words

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Below is a list of all the swear words that users have submitted. If you see a word that is missing, please feel free to suggest a word

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10m - 10 man

1337 - elite

1h - 1 handed

25m - 25 man

2h - 2 handed

4hm - four horsemen

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ab - arathi basin

abg - Ashmaul Burial Grounds

acc - account

achi - Achievement

achiev - achievement

add - additional monster

aep - agility equivalence points

afc - away from computer

afk - away from keyboard

aggro - focus of monster\'s aggression

agi - agility

ah - auction house

ak - ahn\'kahet

alch - alchemist

ali - alliance

alli - Alliance

ally - alliance

alt - alternate character

alts - alternative character

amg - oh my god

an - azjol-nerub

ank - Ahn\'kahet the old kingdom

any1 - Anyone

aoa - Amphitheatre of Anguish

aoe - area of effect

aop - aspect of the pack

aotc - the current ahead of the curve achievement

aotp - aspect of the pack

ap - attack power

aq - Anh\'Qiraj

arp - armor penetration

asap - as soon as possible

asl - age, sex, location

asslock - poorly skilled warlock

atm - at the moment

auch - auchindoun

av - alterac valley

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b00mkin - moonkin

b4 - before

baf - bring a friend

bamf - bad ass mother fucker

bb - bye bye

bbl - be back later

bbs - be back soon

bc - burning crusade

bd - Blackwing Descent

be - Blood Elf

belf - blood elf

bem - blades edge mountains

bet - blood elf tower

bf - Blood Furnace

bfd - blackfathom deeps

bg - battleground

bgs - battleground

bh - bubble hearth

bh10 - Baradin Hold 10-man

bh25 - Baradin\'s Hold 25-man

bis - best in slot

bl - blood lust

blizz - blizzard

bm - Beast Mastery

boa - binds on account

boe - bind on equip

bok - Blessing of Kings

bom - blessing of might

boomchicken - moonkin

boomkin - moonkin

bop - bind on pickup

bos - blessing of sanctuary

bot - Bastion of Twilight

bou - bind on use

bow - blessing of wisdom

brb - be right back

brc - Black Rock Caverns

brd - blackrock depths

bres - battle resurrect

brez - battle resurrect

brf - blackrock foundry

brm - blackrock mountain

brs - blackrock spire

brt - be right there

bs - blacksmith

bt - black temple

bt5k - Blingtron 5000

btw - by the way

buff - beneficial spell

bwd - Black Wing Decent

bwl - blackwing lair

byob - bring your own buffs

byom - bring your own materials

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c - copper

cata - Cataclysm

cbt - Closed Beta Test

cc - crowd control

ccg - collectible card game

cd - cooldown

cds - Cool Downs

ce - Collector's Edition

chanter - enchanter

char - character

cheev - achievement

chickenbutt - moonkin

cm - Challenge mode

coa - Curse of agony

coc - crucible of champions

cod - curse of doom

coe - curse of elements

coex - curse of exhaustion

cos - Culling of Strathholme

cot - caverns of time

cow - Tauren

cp - combo points

cr - combat ressurect

crit - critical hit

critchicken - moonkin

cs - crusader strike

cya - see you

c\'g - cho\'gall

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dailies - Daily repeatable quests

dal - dalaran

dala - Dalaran

darn - darnassus

db - Deadly Boss

dbm - Deadly Boss Mods

dc - disconnect

dc\'d - disconnected

dd - direct damage

ddi - dont do it

de - disenchant

deathtard - Unskilled Death Knight

debuff - reductionary spell

deeps - damage per second

demo - Demonology

demon - demonology

demos - demolishers

destro - destruction

dflt - default

ding - levelled

ding! - level up

disc - Discipline (Priest spec).

dk - death knight

dkp - dragon kill points

dl - drain life

dm - dire maul

dmg - damage

dnd - do not disturb

dn\'d - death and decay

dot - damage over time

dpm - damage per mana

dps - damage per second

dr - Diminishing returns

drood - druid

dru - druid

drunkin - drunk moonkin

ds - dragon soul

dtk - drak\'tharon keep

dudu - Druid

dung - dungeon

dw - dual weild

dwm - dustwallow marsh

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ea - each

ef - Elwynn Forest

efc - enemy flag carrior

ek - Easturn Kingdoms

emfhs - Every Man for Himself

en - Emerald Nightmare

eoc - emblem of conquest

eoe - eye of eternity

eos - eye of the storm

eots - eye of the storm

epgp - effort points/ gear points

epl - eastern plague lands

er - Entangling Roots

erp - erotic role-play

exp - experience points

expn - expansion

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f2p - free to play

failadin - unskilled paladin

fap - Feral Attack Power

fc - flag carrior

felpup - felhunter

felpuppy - felhunter

feral - druid tank

ffa - free for all

ffs - for fuck\'s sake

fl - firelands

fm - focus magic

fml - fuck my life

fok - Fan of Knives

fol - Flash of light

fos - Forge of Souls

fp - flight point

fps - frames per second

fr - flag room

frr - frost resistance

ft - flametongue

fta - for the alliance

fth - For the Horde

ftk - for the kill

ftl - for the loss

ftw - for the win

fu - Fuck You

fz - for zangarmarsh

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g - gold

g l - Good Luck

g2g - got to go

gal - Galleon

gank - kill

ganked - killed

gb - Guild Bank

gbok - greater blessing of kings

gbom - greater blessing of might

gc - guild chat

gcd - global cooldown

gd - good duel

gf - girlfriend

gg - Good Game

ghettokings - Drums of Blessing of Kings

gj - good job

gl - good luck

gm - game master

gnomer - gnomeregan

goblock - Goblin Warlock

gotw - gift of the wild

gr8 - great

gratz - congratulations

gryv - graveyard

gs - Gearscore

gtaoe - ground targeted area of effect

gtfo - get the fuck out

gtg - good to go

guildies - guild members

gy - graveyard

gz - congratulations

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h - heroic

h4x - hacks

hax - hacks

hc - Heroic

healadin - holy paladin

heals - healer

hf - have fun

hfc - hellfire citadel

hfp - hellfire peninsula

hh - honor hold

hk - honourable kill

hlp - help

hm - hardmode

hoj - Hammer of Justice

hol - halls of lightning

hor - Halls of Reflection

hos - halls of stone

hot - heal over time

hott - Herald of the Titans

hp - hit points

hp5 - health per 5 seconds

hps - heal per second

hs - hearth stone

huntard - poorly skilled hunter

huntards - poorly skilled hunters

hvh - heroic Violet Hold

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ib - Ice Barrier

ic - Icecrown Citadel

icc - Icecrown Citadel

idc - i don\'t care

idk - i don\'t know

if - Ironforge

ikr - I know Right

ikw - I know

ilvl - Item Level

imba - imbalanced

imo - in my opinion

inc - incoming

int - intellect

intrpt - interrupt

inv - invite

ioc - isle of conquest

iqd - isle of quel\'danas

irl - in real life

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jc - jewelcrafter

jcj - player versus player

jip - Justice Point

jk - just kidding

jking - joking

jp - Justice Points

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kara - karazhan

kb - killing blow

kek - laughing out loud

kk - ok

kos - kill on sight

ks - Kingslayer

kt - Kel\'Thuzad

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l2 - Learn to

l2p - learn to play

l2pyc - Learn to play your Class

l33t - elite

l8 - late

l@u - Laughing at you

lawl - laugh out loud

lazorchicken - Moonkin

lbrs - lower blackrock spire

lc - lower city

ld - link disconnect

leet - elite

lf - looking for

lf1m - looking for one more

lf2m - looking for two more

lf3m - looking for three more

lf4m - looking for four more

lfg - looking for group

lfm - looking for more

lfr - looking for raid

lfw - looking for work

lg - Let's go

lib - library

lightning turkey - Moonkin

lk - lich king

lm - lumber mill

lmao - laugh my ass off

lmfao - laugh my fuckung ass off

lock - warlock

locks - warlocks

loh - lay on hands

lol - laugh out loud

lom - low on mana

looms - Heirlooms

los - line of sight

lotp - Leader of the Pack

lrn2 - learn to

ltb - Looking to Buy

ltp - learn to play

ltpnoob - Learn to play noob

lts - Looking to Sell

lvl - level

lw - leatherworker

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m8 - Mate

maly - malygos

mancow - tauren

mass rez - Mass Resurrection

mats - materials

mb - mana break

mc - mind control or molten core

mdps - melee damage per second

mgt - magisters\' terrace

mh - Main Hand

ml - master looter

mmog - massively multiplayer online game

mmorpg - massively multiplayer online roleplaying game

moar - more

mob - mobile object or monster

mod - moderator

mop - Mists of Pandaria

motd - message of the day

motw - mark of the wild

mow - mark of the wild

mp5 - mana per five seconds

mq - Molten Quarry

mr - Mass Resurrection

mrt - magisters\' terrace

ms - mortal strike

ms/os - main spec over other spec

msv - Mogushan\'Vaults

mt - miss tell or main tank

mut - Mutilate

mv - morgan\'s vigil

mw - Mage Ward

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n - need

n00b - new, unskilled player

n00bs - multiple new, unskilled players

n00bz - multiple new, unskilled players

nax - naxxramas

naxx - Naxxramas

naxx25 - Naxxramas Heroic (25-man)

ne - Night Elf

ne1 - anyone

nelf - night elf

nerf - to make weaker

nerfed - made weaker

newb - A new player

nh - night hold

ninja - player that steals loot

nm - never mind

nmjc - nothing much just chilling

noob - new, unskilled player

noobid - poorly skilled druid

noobie - novice

noobs - multiple new, unskilled players

noobsauce - new player

noobz - multiple new, unskilled players

norp-elf - Blood elf

np - no problem

npc - non player character

nr - nature resist

nsb - north side base

nub - Unskilled player

nubcaik - unskilled player

nubcake - unskilled player

nuke - deal damage while ignoring threat and aggro

nvm - never mind

nvrmnd - Never mind

nx - The Nexus

nyi - not yet implemented

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obo - or best offer

occ - the oculus

og - Ogrimmar

oh - Off Hand

ohb - old hillsbrad foothills

ohf - old hillsbrad foothills

ohko - one hit kill

ok - Ahn\'kahet: The Old Kingdom

omfg - oh my fucking god

omg - oh my god

omw - on my way

one-shot - kill with 1 hit

oneshot - kill with 1 hit

ony - onyxia\'s lair

onyx - onyxia\'s lair

ooc - out of combat

oom - out of mana

oomkin - moonkin

oor - out of range

oos - out of sight

oow - on our way

op - overpowered

org - orgrimmar

os - obsidian sanctum

ot - off tank

owned - defeated easily

ox - onyxia

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p2p - player to player

pala - paladin

pally - paladin

pat - patrol

pbaoe - point blank area of effect

pc - player character

pk - player kill

pker - player killer

pl8 - plate armor

plox - please

plz - please

pm - private message

pmsl - pissing myself laughing

poly - polymorph

port - portal

pos - Pit of Saron

pot - potion

powned - dominated

ppl - people

ppr - points per run

prefs - preferences

proc - to activate upon certain conditions

prot - protection

protadin - Protection speced paladin

pst - please send tell

ptr - Public Test Realm

pug - pick up group

pve - player versus environment

pvp - player versus player

pwn - to dominate

pwned - dominated

pwning - dominating

pwnt - dominated

pzous - perfect zone of ultimate safety

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qft - quoted for truth

qm - quartermaster

qq - tears

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r - are

raf - Recruit a Friend

raid - group of 6 to 40 players

rap - ranged attack power

rbg - rated battle ground

rbgs - Rated Battlegrounds

rdf - Random Dungeon Finder

rdps - range damage per second

rdy - ready

re roll - to switch to a new main character

reg - regular

rep - reputation

res - ressurect

respec - to change talent point allocation

ress - ressurect

resto - restoration

ret - a paladin specification

retadin - ret spec\'d paladin

retardin - lousy ret spec\'d paladin

retnoob - retribution spec\'d paladin

rez - ressurect

rfc - rage fire casm

rfd - Razor Fen Downs

rfk - razorfen kraul

rgb - rated battlegrounds

rh - relief hut

rhc - random heroic

rl - real life

rmp - Rogue, Mage, Priest

rng - Random Number Generater

rob - Ring of Blood

roc - Ring of Conquest

rof - ring of frost

rofl - rolling on floor laughing

roflmao - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

ros - reliquary of souls

rotfl - Rolling on the floor laughing

rp - role playing

rps - rage per second

rq - real quick

rrq - repeatable reputation quest

rs - Ruby Sanctum

rts - real time strategy

rw - real world

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s - silver

sarth - sartharion

sb - Sholazar Basin

sc - Silvermoon City

scen - Scenario

scholo - scholomance

sfk - shadowfang keep

sh - Shattered Halls or Sethekk Halls

sham - shaman

shammy - shaman

shat - Shattrath City

shatt - shattrath city

shb - stonehearth bunker

sl - shadow labyrinth

slab - shadow labyrinth

slabs - shadow labyrinth

sls - shroud loot system

sm - scarlet monastery

smc - silvermoon city

smv - shadowmoon valley

snd - Slice and Dice

soa - strand of ancients

soj - seal of justice

soo - Seige of Orgimmar raid

sota - strand of the ancients

soz - sorry

sp - spell power

spacegoat - Draenei

spawn - origin point

spec - talent specialization

spr - spirit

spriest - shadow spec\'d priest

squishy - a cloth wearing player.

srry - sorry

ss - soul stone

ssc - serpentshrine cavern

st - stables

stack - group up / stay together

stam - stamina

stfu - shut the fuck up

stock - the stockade

stocks - the stockade

str - strength

strat - stratholme

stv - stranglethorn vale

sv - steamvault

sw - stormwind city

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t&s - tank and spank

t1 - Raid teir 1

t2 - Raid teir 2

t3 - Raid teir 3

t4 - Raid teir 5

t6 - Raid teir 6

t7 - Raid teir 7

tab - Tabard

tabby - Tabard

tag - Hit a monster first

tankadin - paladin tank

tap - to hit a monster before anyone else

taq - temple of ahn\'qiraj

taunka - tauren

tauradin - Tauren Paladin

tb - thunder bluff

tbc - The Burning Crusade

tbh - To be honest

teh - the

tf - Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

th - Twilight Highlands

thunder chicken - moonkin

thunder clucker - moonkin

thx - thanks

tic - increment of damage over time

tis - this

tk - tempest keep

tm - tauren mill

tnx - thanks

toc - Trail of Champions

togc - Trial of the Grand Crusader

toon - character

tot - Tricks of Trade

totc - Trial Of The Champion

tp - tower point

tps - threat per second

tpw - total party wipe

ts - teamspeak

ttyl - talk to you later

tv - templar\'s verdict

tw - Time Warp

ty - thank you

tysm - thank you so much

tyt - Take your time

tyvm - thank you very much

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u - you

ua - Unstable Affliction

ub - underbog

uber - very

ubrs - upper blackrock spire

uc - undercity

udder - Female Tauren

uk - utgarde keep

ul - unlucky

uld - uldaman

uldy - Ulduar

up - Utgarde Pinnacle

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vanilla - Original/classic World of Warcraft

vc - van cleef (in the deadmines)

vent - ventrilo

vh - the violet hold

vip - Valor Point

voa - Vault of Archavon

vos - Valley of Storm

vp - Vortex Pinnacle

vr - void reaver

vw - voidwalker

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w2g - Way to go

w8 - wait

waggro - wife aggro

warr - warrior

wb - welcome back

wc - wailing caverns

wd - Well Done

wg - wintergrasp

wipe - when everybody dies

wlock - warlock

wod - Warlords of Draenor

wotf - will of the forsaken

wotlk - wrath of the lich king

wow - World of Warcraft

wp - Well Played

wpl - western plague lands

wrg - Worg

wsg - warsong gulch

wtb - want to buy

wtf - what the fuck

wtg - want to give

wth - what the hell

wts - want to sell

wtsf - want to sell fast

wtt - want to trade

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xeido - awesome druid

xfer - transfer

xmog - transmogrification

xmute - transmute

xp - experience points

xpac - expansion

xr - crossroads

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yik - yea i know

yw - you\'re welcome

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za - zul\'aman

zang - zangarmarsh

zd - Zul\'Drak

zerg - rush

zf - zul\'farrak

zg - zul\'gurub

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